DNA Profile

What is TTI DNA25®?
DNA Profile: Single-Science Profile
As the global economy evolves, transferable, non-technical skills have become the new currency. The TTI DNA® explores 25 business-related competencies and one's level of development in each.
What does TTI DNA25® Measure?
The TTI DNA® explores the question: WHICH competencies have we mastered?
The TTI DNA® profile has been designed to accurately measure an individual’s level of development in 25 business-related competencies (or personal skills). The profile is named so because these 25 competencies are like the foundational building blocks, or DNA, of performance, having been refined from an analysis of a much larger pool of skills.
These 25 competencies provide a model to:
- Discuss what helps people achieve results in their personal and professional lives.
- Identify skills or abilities that lead to superior performance.
- Understand that our competencies are not “fixed,” but with effort and support can be developed.
- Create tailored plans to develop the competencies that will have the most impact on performance.
The TTI DNA25® Report

Exploring 25 Business Related Competencies
The TTI DNA® is a 14-page report that examines a person's level of development in 25 business-related competencies. The report ranks the individual's "Competencies Hierarchy" from the most developed competency to the least developed competency. The 25 competencies measured are:
- Appreciating Others and Conceptual Thinking
- Conflict Management and Continuous Learning
- Creativity & Innovation and Customer Focus
- Decision Making and Diplomacy
- Employee Development and Flexibility
- Futuristic Thinking and Goal Orientation
- Influencing Others and Interpersonal Skills
- Leadership and Personal Accountability
- Planning & Organising and Problem Solving
- Project Management and Negotiation
- Resiliency and Self Starting
- Teamwork and Understanding Others
- Time & Priority Management
Note: The TTI DNA® was created to simplify and refine more complex and cumbersome competency models. When creating a competency framework with this model, the same 25 competencies are applicable to any position. What changes each time is the hierarchy of importance and the extent to which each skill needs to be developed. Thus, the DNA model simplifies your development framework to highlight only the most important factors that affect a person's success in their current (or future) role and only focus on the development of those skills which will have the highest payoff.
TTI DNA25®: A Multi-Science Approach
DISC is a Single-Science Assessment - It explores the science of competencies or Which competencies we have mastered
Explore our Multi-Science Assessments, combining - Acumen, Behaviour, Driving Forces, Competencies, Emotional Intelligence
The concept of competencies and competency development is one that has been of interest to the business world for many years. There are many models and theories around competencies and competency modelling which can make it all a little confusing. These models will often draw on different areas like behavioural tendencies, skills and cognitive abilities. "Multi-science" assessments provide a multi-dimensional approach to identifying and managing an individual's competency development.

Why is Multi-Science Important?
People are often very "attached" to the skills they think they have (or don't have). Hence, it can be difficult to have a conversation with someone if they are lacking a certain skill. When we combine the TTI DNA® with our DISC and Driving Forces assessments (TriMetrix® DNA), we have information on a person's behavioural style, driving forces and key competencies, making this conversation a little easier. For instance, someone with a "low C" (a tendency to overlook details) may compensate for this with a well-developed "Planning/Organising" competency. That is, at a behavioural level they have a tendency to "go with their gut" (low C), but they have learned certain scheduling and planning techniques to help out. Contrast this with someone who has a "low C" and a less developed "Planning/Organising" competency; they might need a lot of additional support. With both pieces of information (i.e. competencies and behavioural style), we will have a more complete understanding every time.
To better understand the concept of multi-science assessment and the advantages of the TTI Success Insights® suite of tools, check out our blog post Advantages of the TTI Success Insights® Suite.
Versions of the TTI DNA25® Profile
The TTI DNA® profile is available in a number report versions, each designed to support your initiatives and help you achieve your desired results. All of our tools have been designed with flexibility, practicality, and multiple uses in mind. This means you can invest once in the right profile and use it throughout the employee life cycle to maximise your investment. As a single-science report, TTI DNA® explores competencies ONLY. There are three sets of reports in the TTI Success Insights® DNA series, including:

DNA Job Profiles
Providing a validated way to profile the unique positions in any business and determine the "ideal" mix of competencies for a superior performer. We refer to this as "Position Benchmarking".

DNA Selection/Coaching Reports
A report that comprehensively explores a persons "competency hierarchy" with detailed graphs and verbiage that can be used in the selection process or in coaching/development work.

DNA Comparison and Gap Reports
A set of reports to visually display personal reports against a benchmark — for example, in the selection process to see how closely someone matches the benchmark.
The TTI DNA® profile can be found in two of our multi-science assessments including TriMetrix® DNA and TriMetrix® HD.
Common Uses for the TTI DNA25® Report
The TTI DNA® has been designed as a stand-alone tool and can also be found as part of TriMetrix® DNA and TriMetrix® HD (multi-science) profiles. The DNA profile is commonly used in the following functions:
- Personal Effectiveness
- Career Planning
- Recruitment and Selection
- Induction
- Position Benchmarking
Strategy and Management
- Competency Framework/Development
- Engagement/Motivation
- Planning and Strategy
- Change Management
- Outplacement
- Culture/Transformation
Training and Development
- Leadership Development
- Communication Effectiveness
- Team Effectiveness
- Sales Development
- Customer Service Training
- Coaching/Mentoring Relationships
Why they Love TTI DNA25®

They love the TTI DNA because it allows for a focused discussion around competencies that are important to someone’s role.

They love the TTI DNA because it provides a platform to diagnose and target training to required competencies.

They love the TTI DNA because it provides a framework to create customised, role-specific competency models.
DNA Accreditation via the ACI-DNA Upgrade Accreditation

In order to access the DNA profile, accreditation is first required. There are two steps to achieve DNA accreditation (earning you the formal designation CPCA):
- Step One - Attend the Science of Self™ Accreditation
- Step Two - Attend the ACI-DNA Upgrade Accreditation
(Please note that step 1 must be completed before step 2)
The Ultimate OD Toolkit Extension
In ACI-DNA Accreditation, we will explore the DNA model (looking at WHICH competencies people have mastered) and the ACI model (looking at WHAT personal talents people have at their disposal). We will also look at the integration of these two models with the rest of the TTI suite of tools, ensuring you have a more complete understanding of human performance.
The ACI-DNA Accreditation is facilitated via a series of weekly virtual sessions (approximately 12-14 weeks depending on public holidays etc). These are facilitated from our purpose-built virtual training studio. Each week there will be a facilitator-led workshop accompanied by additional self-study exercises to help embed the learning.
Unlike most assessment companies, we are able to provide you with more than one perspective, ensuring you have a more complete understanding of human performance. In total, we offer 5 sciences of performance. Attending the ACI-DNA "multi-science” accreditation will ensure you have more tools, resources, solutions, and better quality training to solve more client challenges — and ultimately win more business!
The investment for this accreditation option
$7450 + GST
This program is run on a needs basis - contact us for details.
Call Now - 02 9360 6111
Our team is only a call away to help you select the right profile and answer any questions you might have!
You can also email us at info@ttisuccessinsights.com.au