About Us

TTI Success Insights — Local Knowledge, Global Reach
TTI Success Insights has been working with trainers, coaches, consultants and recruiters around the globe for over 30 years. Through our international network of Master Distributors we have built an active client base of over 7,000 distributors. Around the world over 100,000 companies have benefited from the TTISI suite of assessments and this number grows every day.
TTI Success Insights is the world leader in the assessment industry. As an indicator of this, somewhere in the world a report is generated in our system every 7.4 seconds. We have over 7,000 active Value Added Associates (VAAs) using our tools to select, develop and manage talent within organisations across the world. The tools are used in a variety of business functions in both large corporations as well as small and medium enterprises. Some of the common applications of our tools include: leadership development, sales and customer service training, team building, coaching, change management, employee engagement, as well as recruitment and pre-employment selection.
TTI Success Insights —
Australia & New Zealand
As the Australian and New Zealand Master Distributor of the TTI Success Insights tools, we specialise in working with consultants, coaches, trainers, recruiters and accountants in the Asia Pacific region. Our role is to help these customers design, market and implement world class assessment-based solutions for their customers and clients. We do this by providing rigorous accreditation training, world class resources and ongoing support - basically its our job to make your job easy!
We have been using the TTI Success Insights products with organisations in Australia and New Zealand for over 30 years. We partner with trainers, coaches and consultants seeking to implement cutting edge assessment technology to help their clients perform at their best. We continually strive to share information and provide marketing tools to help our customers increase their capability, credibility and cash flow by using the assessments to build a profit centre for their business.
Over 7,000 consultants and 100,000 clients across 90 countries in 40 languages.

Some of our Customers From
Around the World

TTI Success Insights — History and Research
Target Training International, Ltd. was founded in 1984 by Bill J. Bonnstetter and his son, Dave Bonnstetter. As the first company in the world to computerise the DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Compliance) assessment via our patented Internet Delivery Service® (IDS) TTI has lead the assessment industry for decades.
TTI Success Insights are frequent authors of manuals, journals and white papers in the talent assessment field including the recent re-release of William Moulton Marston’s book "Emotions of Normal People." TTI Success Insights holds three patents: one for its ground-breaking job benchmarking process, one for its Internet Delivery System, and one for its employee success prediction system.
TTIs research is concentrated in the business field rather than in academia. Our research team have developed an unparalleled suite of tools that can accurately measure and practically apply five sciences of human performance including:
The Science of Behaviour
HOW we behave and communicate, measured using the world famous DISC Profile. Learn more about the science of behaviour.
The Science of Motivation
WHY we move into action, measured using the Workplace Motivators Profile. Learn more about the science of motivation.
The Science of Personal Skills
WHICH competencies we have mastered and to what level, measured using the TTI DNA Profile. Learn more about the science of competencies.
The Science of Acumen/Decision Making
WHAT personal talents we have at our disposal, measured using the Hartman Value Profile. Learn more about the science of acumen.
The Science of Emotional Intelligence
DO we actively apply the principles of emotional intelligence, measured using the TTI Emotional Quotient Profile. Learn more about the science of emotional intelligence.